Dermaplaning: A Complete Overview About This Skin Care Treatment

Dermaplaning Treatment

This article gives a brief overview of the dermaplaning treatment which is an important skin care treatment. Dermaplaning is the secret to the flawless skin looks without any hind of the unwanted facial hair. There are generally a lot of questions regarding this new word and so, it requires finding out all the important information regarding this face shaving treatment.

What Is Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is considered the latest and most popular method of exfoliation. It involves using a 10 gauge scalpel in order to get rid of the top layer of the dull dead skin cells and also hair for the purpose of revealing smooth, soft and brighter skin underneath.

But, this should only be done by a trained aesthetician as this method preferably requires precision and the blade is considered to be quite sharp.

How Is Dermaplaning Done?

This particular process is very simple and this is no different than shaving specifically any other part of your body. Also, the exfoliation method is painless and also takes about 30 minutes if done right.

First of all, the aesthetician will start with a thorough cleaning and then drying the next. She will specifically hold a sterile 10 gauge blade in one hand and then gently pull a particular area of your skin with the other. After that, by the usage of short and gentle stroke, she will again remove the dead skin cells and also facial hair from the top layer of your skin.

Who Is It For?

This dermaplaning is considered to be suitable for all types of skin except those who are suffering from acne. In case you have cystic acne, it is recommended to wait till the breakouts subside and after that, clear out before trying of this particular treatment.

Before going in for the treatment, you should always discuss with the aesthetician in case your skin is over sensitive. According to most of the experts, this is generally the best way to exfoliate your skin during nursing and pregnancy at the time you want to avoid harsh chemicals on your skin.

There are also other important benefits of this treatment as it preferably allows your skincare products to seep in better and finally giving great results.

Risk And Side Effects

Dermaplaning is mainly a low-risk procedure. Apart from that, the side effects may include the appearance of slight redness in your face in the hours after getting off the treatment. In the day or two after dermaplaning, some people also develop whiteheads on their skin.

But, both scarring and also infection are rare after dermaplaning but they do occur sometimes. Your doctor may also need to treat the scar tissue with the help of a steroid infection in order to soften the scar tissue in case you develop a scar from the dermaplaning.

The appearance of patchy skin pigment in the area is considered to be another possible side effect of this particular treatment.


So, it is evident from the above section that the dermaplaning is known to be an effective skin care treatment in these days. All you need is to plan any downtime at the time of recovering from a dermaplaning treatment. In some cases, right after the procedure, you may particularly experience redness or feel like your skin is scraped in the two or three days.

After finishing with a dermaplaning treatment, you may notice that your skin looks brighter immediately. But, it may take a few days to preferably appreciate the full results. In the day afterward, you will be able to see the results more clearly as any redness subsides.